
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Measuring Success

Measure success in accordance to your personal definition of success. It does not mean that you need to achieve the things other people have in order to call yourself successful. You are successful in your own terms such as enjoying the things that you do. Feel successful in accomplishing things in your life and all things will follow without pressing too much pressure on yourself and the people who cares about you. You should always feel wanted and important; at least to yourself if all other people thinks you are a failure. Just because people tell you that you can't do it, it does not mean you can't do you and you can't succeed. Other people say that you can't do it just because they themselves could not do it. Never let other people dictate you in anyway that makes you unhappy. You are the master of your own life and you deserve to make your own choices especially choices that makes you happy and fulfilled in the inside. That is how you measure your success.... Go on and be successful.

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